Master class for young chess players |
Sunday, 16 May 2010 |
A master class for young chess players took place on May 15th at the gymnasium #3 and was attended by 65 pupils from various local schools. The simultaneous displays were held by grandmasters Ernesto Inarkiev (participant of the FIDE Grand Prix stage), Zurab Azmaiparashvili (FIDE Vice-president), Evgeny Sveshnikov, and international master Eldar Mukhametov. Their opposition mainly consisted of pupils of 1st-4th grades. Chess experts greeted their opponents and wished them luck before the game.
After the simuls the professionals mentioned a high level of skill of the young players, who acted without rush, calculated well and were not disturbed by media attention.
Of course, professional players won the majority of games, but even
Ernesto Inarkiev was unable to show a perfect score. During the games
the professionals cheered up their young opponents and even sometimes
suggested them the right moves. One should note that all the pupils
recorded the games, just like the real pros. “Many years ago when I was
at school I participated in such simul, – recalls Ernesto Inarkiev. – It
was bright and unforgettable event, after which I decided to become a
chess professional. My today’s opponents have many victories and happy
discoveries laying ahead and maybe for some of them chess will become a
part of their lives.”
Text: Anna Belopasova